2011-01-24 | 分類:LED驅動器 | 歸屬:安森美半導體 | 大小:1432K
本文是CNT Networks CEO Michael Liu(PhD)在第六屆新型節能設計技術研討會(2011年4月深圳)上的演講,主要內容: 風能太陽能市場需求 ? 核泄漏加速風能太陽能利用步伐 ? 逆變器市場需求 ? 中...
2011-04-12 | 分類:高效電源 | 歸屬:電子元件技術網 | 大小:233K
For manufacturers of computers, fax machines, telephones,modems, and other “information technology equipment” (ITE), April 1, 2000 will be more than just another April Fool’s Day. This da...
2011-03-28 | 分類:連接器 | 歸屬:泰科電子 | 大小:173K
Connectors 101: What Lighting Designers Need to Know
While pronouncements of the death of incandescent lights are premature, their future is dimming as new technologies offer high efficiencies and lower energy consumption. Solid‐state light...
2011-03-28 | 分類:連接器 | 歸屬:泰科電子 | 大小:835K
IEEE 1725-2006: Standard for Rechargeable Batteries in Cellular Telephones
As a result of consumer concern regarding battery safety, the Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association (CTIA), in partnership with leading cellular network operators, has deve...
2011-03-28 | 分類:連接器 | 歸屬:泰科電子 | 大小:386K
HDMI ESD Protection without Sacrificing Performance
The newest high-definition multimedia interface (HDMI) 1.3 standard doubles the previous HDMI 1.0 - 1.2 data rate to 3.4Gbps per differential signal pair. This increased data rate introdu...
2011-03-28 | 分類:連接器 | 歸屬:泰科電子 | 大小:216K
This paper is intended to help designers and manufacturers understand the new Issue 4 of GR-1089 CORE requirements and the associated protection requirements. The protection design approa...
2011-03-28 | 分類:連接器 | 歸屬:泰科電子 | 大小:1116K
Help Protect VDSL Equipment and xDSL Splitters
VDSL (very-high-speed digital subscriber line) technology is similar to the well-known ADSL, and facilitates the delivery of information at speeds of up to 52 Mb/s. Standard VDSL deployme...
2011-03-28 | 分類:連接器 | 歸屬:泰科電子 | 大小:2687K
Comparison of Hard Au versus Hard Au Flashed PdNi as a Contact Finish
The hard gold (Au) vs. hard gold flashed Palladium-Nickel (PdNi) question is not a new one. There is conflicting assessments of whether hard Au and PdNi perform equivalently or not. Exten...
2011-03-28 | 分類:連接器 | 歸屬:泰科電子 | 大小:474K
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