The LTM?8033 is an electromagnetic compatible (EMC) 36V, 3A DC/DC μModule? buck converter designed to meet the radiated emissions requirements of EN55022. Conducted emission requiremen...
2011-02-10 | 分類:高效電源 | 歸屬:Cytech-駿龍科技有限公司 | 大小:1772K
Features ? Complete Step-Down SwitchMode Power Supply ? Wide Input Voltage Range: 3.6V to 36V ? 2AOutput Current ? 0.8Vto 10VOutput Voltage ? Selectable Switching Frequency: 200kHz t...
2011-02-10 | 分類:高效電源 | 歸屬:Cytech-駿龍科技有限公司 | 大小:129K
Features ? Complete Step-Down SwitchMode Power Supply ? Wide Input Voltage Range: 3.6V to 36V ? 1AOutput Current ? 0.8Vto 10VOutput Voltage ? Switching Frequency from200kHz to 2.4MHz...
2011-02-10 | 分類:高效電源 | 歸屬:Cytech-駿龍科技有限公司 | 大小:123K
The LTC?3675 is a digitally programmable high effi ciency multioutput power supply plus dual string LED driver IC optimized for high power single cell Li-Ion/Polymer applications. The ...
2011-02-10 | 分類:高效電源 | 歸屬:Cytech-駿龍科技有限公司 | 大小:1937K
The LTC?3105 is a high efficiency step-up DC/DC converter that can operate from input voltages as low as 200mV. A 250mV start-up capability and integrated maximum power point controlle...
2011-02-10 | 分類:高效電源 | 歸屬:Cytech-駿龍科技有限公司 | 大小:3236K
The LT?6703-2/LT6703-3 combine a micropower, low voltage comparator with a 400mV reference in a tiny DFN package. Operating with supplies from 1.4V up to 18V, these devices draw only 6...
2011-02-10 | 分類:高效電源 | 歸屬:Cytech-駿龍科技有限公司 | 大小:159K
The LT?3694/LT3694-1 are monolithic, current mode DC/DC converters with dual, low dropout regulator controllers. The switching converter is a step-down converter capable of generating ...
2011-02-10 | 分類:高效電源 | 歸屬:Cytech-駿龍科技有限公司 | 大小:2625K
The LTM?4618 is a complete 6A output switching mode DC/DC power supply in a 9mm × 15mm × 4.32mm LGA package. Included in the package are the switching controller, power FETs, inductor ...
2011-02-10 | 分類:高效電源 | 歸屬:Cytech-駿龍科技有限公司 | 大小:1842K
The LTM?4612 is a complete, ultralow noise, high voltage input and output, 5A switching mode DC/DC power supply. Included in the package are the switching controller, power FETs, induc...
2011-02-10 | 分類:高效電源 | 歸屬:Cytech-駿龍科技有限公司 | 大小:360K
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